The terminology database of the European Union. See also: - passive bribery [ IATE:1129247 ] - bribery Viz rovněž termín pasivní korupce [ IATE:1129247 ].

3856 has server used (Luxembourg) ping response time Hosted in RIPE Network Coordination Centre Register Domain Names at .This domain has been created Unknown ago, remaining Unknown.

IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe) – the EU’s multilingual term base Council of the European Union (1995) Council Resolution of 31 March 1995 on improving and diversifying language learning and teaching within the education systems of the European Union. Terminologiedatenbank der Europäischen Union in 24 Sprachen. Die Einträge sind in Kategorien klassifiziert und die Benutzer können ihr Profil für zukünftige Anfragen speichern. IATE in der Kategorie Mehrsprachige. IATE. IATE‘s inter-institutional terminology database (= «Inter-Active Terminology for Europe») is the largest accessible terminology repository in the network.Its more than 1,180,000 entries, with more than 7.9 million coded terms, and the fact that it covers a total of 24 languages, have made of it an essential tool in any multilingual environment. Interactive Terminology for Europe (IATE) ist die Terminologiedatenbank für die Institutionen der Europäischen Union.. iate

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IATE is a living database, i.e. translators and terminologists are continuously updating its content. Sök i IATE — I princip kan du söka i IATE på alla 24 officiella EU-språk och på latin . Du har möjlighet att ställa in käll- och målspråk samt att  EU & arbetsrätt 3 2007. EU-terminologi gratis på nätet. InterActive Terminology for Europe, IATE, som är EUs databas för all EU-relaterad terminologi, är numer instantiate' means to create an object that is conformant with the definition, attributes, association roles and constraints specified for the  Referens: IATE Referens: IATE The Commission in response to the European Parliament's call for initiatives on the digital rights of users14 will clarify  ländernas Tidningar , till " anttål stall i båda rifena iate ofweestiga 12,000 . De almogen i andra länder word safwar , gjorde wër till ett ämne , som för Deß föreskrifter om lifa mått och vigt ; od faucer , som i det öfriga Europa förswunnit .

• should earn about $12,429.39 /day from advertising revenue. IATE - IATE search interface | European Union Open Data Portal. IATE (="Inter-Active Terminology for Europe") is the EU's inter-institutional terminology database.

The terminology database of the European Union

IATE bevat terminologie in alle 23 officiële talen van de EU, in totaal zo'n 8,7 miljoen termen. IATE raccoglie in un'unica banca dati, che conta 8,7 milioni di voci nelle 23 lingue ufficiali dell'UE, le banche dati delle istituzioni e degli organismi dell'UE. iate

Access URL Status completed Release Date 2019-02-26 Resource Type Web service/API

Domain: Se også IATE:755198 (FR: "euroguichet "entreprises"). APP 26.4.2001. Owner:. The terminology database of the European Union. read more. Followers: 0. Datasets: 1. Datasets · Activity Stream · About  About IATE.
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APP 26.4.2001.

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Hoy en día, IATE, con más de 8,5 millones de términos, es el mayor recurso terminológico del mundo al que pueden acceder todos los ciudadanos de la UE (iate. Aujourd'hui, avec plus de 8.5 millions de termes à son actif, IATE représente la plus vaste ressource terminologique au monde, accessible à tout citoyen de l'UE (). has servers located in Luxembourg . has yet to be estimated by Alexa in terms of traffic and rank. Moreover, Iate Europa has yet to grow their social media reach, as it’s relatively low at the moment: 76 Google+ votes, 1 LinkedIn share and 1 StumbleUpon view. This website has a flawless reputation, so you don't have to take any extra precautions when browsing it.

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EU & arbetsrätt 3 2007. EU-terminologi gratis på nätet. InterActive Terminology for Europe, IATE, som är EUs databas för all EU-relaterad terminologi, är numer 

It has been used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 expand true QUERY true trans_lang en QUERY en limit 100 QUERY 100 offset 0 QUERY 0 401 data application/json 200 _lan:Response   Jan 7, 2021 As a lot of our terms are found in EU (harmonised) standards, it makes more than just ample sense to use the IATE database https://iate.europa. Apr 8, 2013 Inter-Active Terminology for Europe IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe” ) is the EU inter-institutional terminology database.